Can you obtain approval?

Overall approval

Different places of worship are managed in different ways depending on which faith and denomination they belong to. The first thing you will need to do is to work out who is legally responsible for making decisions about your buildings and ensure that they agree to installing solar panels. Obvoiusly there is a cost involve so you will also need to have the approval of whoever is responsible for your money (often this will be the same person or group of people).

Some places of worship will have authority to make decision themselves, others may have to apply to some regional or national body.

Planning permission

Planning permission is not required for solar panel installation unless your building is listed or in a conservation area. If it is, then planning permission will need to be obtained from you local authority before installation unless you belong to one of the major Christian denominations in which case appropriate denominational approval is regarded as sufficient (under theĀ Ecclesiastical Exemption Scheme).

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