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Scriptural Encounter: Faith responses to peace-making in the Israel-Palestine conflict. A Jewish response

The third and final session in the current series ‘Faith responses to peace-making in the Israel-Palestine Conflict: A Jewish Response’ is on Thursday 28th November, 4PM-5:30PM, online via Zoom.

As the war has passed its anniversary amidst escalation into Lebanon and even Iran, the prospects for an end, let alone for peace, seem more remote than ever.

This series of Scriptural Encounter addresses the question, 'What might be the role of the faith traditions in encouraging measured reconciling solutions?'

We are exploring ways to deal with tensions that arise from our respective Scriptural traditions. The presenters for each faith, speak from both their academic and confessional standpoints.

The presenter for this talk is Rabbi Dr. Daniel Roth. 

Image of Rabbi Dr. Daniel Roth

Rabbi Dr. Daniel Roth is Director of Mosaica, an Israeli NGO advancing community mediation and dialogue and Director Emeritus of the Pardes Center for Judaism and Conflict Resolution.

He teaches graduate courses on religion and peace building at Bar-Ilan University’s Conflict Resolution, Management and Negotiation Graduate Program, at Tel Aviv University’s International Program in Conflict Resolution and Mediation, and at Hebrew University’s Coexistence in the Middle East summer program.

He has been active and published widely on religious mediation in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and is the author of Third Party Peacemakers In Judaism: Text Theory and Practice, O.U.P 2021.

This a free talk but you must book a place to receive the Zoom details: https://ScripturalEncounterNovember28.eventbrite.co.uk