At Faith Network for Manchester, we work to bring people of different faiths together.

We run projects, workshops and educational outreach to combat the misunderstandings that can sometimes arise between faith groups.

As well as opening minds and sharing interests, we act as a link between faith groups so we can speak as one voice on issues that affect us.

If you’d like to find out more or get involved with one of our projects or upcoming workshops, we’d love to hear from you.

News & Events

News & Events


How Do We Decide What Is Appropriate To Do And What Isn’t?

I have often heard it said that religion and faith leaders should not meddle in politics. It has also been said, including this week, that the judiciary should not enter into the political arena and rule on government or parliamentary matters. 


Women of Faith: New Year Celebration Event
Women of Faith Day Out to Hebden Bridge
Faith Tours- Visit to Darul Amaan Mosque

What's on

Faith Network for Manchester Faith Tours
FN4M and Faith and Belief Forum Consultation Workshop
Interfaith Dialogue: “Is religion still relevant in today’s world? If so, what does it contribute?”