What we do

FN4M's Cancer Screening Awareness

Faith Network for Manchester have been working with Answer Cancer and other groups to make members of faith communities and others aware of the different types of screening available to all adults.

workshops for schools and young people
workshops for schools and young people
with the support of Near Neighbours
for schools and young people

We all know that looking after our health is important, so it is crucial to go for our health checks when invited. Since Covid, low esteem is affecting people's mental health along with other illnesses, including cancer.  Early diagnosis is key in saving lives, screening for different types of cancer is the best way of detecting any disease and treating it early.

Faith Network for Manchester have been running workshops for the last five years, with Answer Cancer and partnering with a range of different faith communities, to increase the uptake of the 3 key screening programmes: Breast;  Bowel;  and Cervical

Screening is undertaken to detect or find any early signs of abnormal or cancerous cells in your body.  Detecting cancer early can save your life. 

  • Breast Screening is routinely offered to all women over the ages of 50 – 71 years every 3 years.
  • Bowel screening: a kit is sent to everyone who is 60 through the post to complete and send back – this age is going to be lowered to 50.
  • Cervical Smear test is offered to all women from the age of 25.

We are currently offering to work with communities and organisations to run workshops with different communities around screening, mental health and general health and wellbeing.

If you are interested in working with us please get in touch.

Cancer Screening Awareness Poster

Check the What’s On page for the upcoming events and workshops.